In the Ashes of My Dream

It wasn’t what I thought it’d be,image1 (20)

this path I set upon.

Hadn’t realized the forge was hot,

the day that my dreams failed.

Reality burned and shaped me,

fouling that which had drawn.

Revealing a journey not sought,

one chance, or fate, unveiled.

A surprising liberation,

from that which had bound me.

I discovered the truth my heart,

may have sought all along.

Ashes of my dream’s cremation,

answered the repressed plea.

Though hidden from me at the start,

I found where I belong.

This poem is for all the people that have had one door shut only to find another one open and for everyone that never gave up when that first dream failed!

I started writing this poem a few days ago for someone that I know.  They’ve just had their life upheaved, and yet, life has an odd way of working out.  I wanted to try to capture that in this poem.


Life Update:

I’m sick.  I have been ever since my last blog post.  I’ve been working for short bits through the sickness, but man o man has this seriously cramped my productivity levels.  Seriously, I’m running out of clean clothes and there are dog fur dust bunnies running wild.  On that note I’m going to go back to work and then I plan on napping some more.  UGH!

sick ill flu kill me now reaction









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